Growing up with a camera

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My son Ethan grew up around a camera.  Whether I was shooting him or shooting something, anything, his first 5 years were years I shot the most as a photographer.

I did it both as work and as a hobby. I just loved photography. I still do, actually. I just don’t get to do it as much as I would want.

Last time I asked my son what he wanted to be when he grew up he said he wants to be a photographer.  He’s too young to know what he really wants but I’m glad he has the knack for it—even if it’s just going to be his hobby when he grows up.

He’s actually very good and I’m not just saying that because he’s my son. He is.  And he doesn’t like cameras without the viewfinder. He won’t shoot with a screen as a viewfinder.  I’m actually glad he grew up at a time when I didn’t yet use a camera with a monitor.

When he turns 12 which is next year, I will enroll him in his first photography class. We’re both excited about it.


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