The one person I admire the most…Scot Harrison

Click HERE for video!!!

Click HERE for Charity:Water video!

There are plenty of people I admire: the late Steve Jobs, Stefan Sagmeister, Sugata Mitra, Ken Robinson, Pranav Mistry, Steven Spielberg, Bono, Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffet, my Tito Nene, my brother Robin, Ana Balcels, my most favorite couple in the world–Checcs and Jet Orbida, I used to admire JFK but realize I don’t know him that well, it was a time I can hardly relate to…

I realize that more than plain talent, it’s innovative ideas in making the world better or just plain excellence and extreme focus on whatever they did are what drew me towards these people.

But the person I can related to the most is this guy, Scot Harrison. Watch the videos!  One is an interview on him and the other one is about Charity:water, the NGO he put up.  Whenever I do something, I always think–what would Scot Harrison do and how would he do it?

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